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11-03-2020 05:23 PM
Hi everyone,
We just released a new major version 8.1.
This version is primarily aimed at fixing on-prem related issues and getting everything ready for the IT Asset Data platform soft launch.
Please note that if you want to continue to sync to the ADP, you will need to stay on version
If you update to version 8.1, your sync will be disconnected and you will only be able to start syncing again, once you’ve been given access to the soft launch.
On November 12, we will start the Soft Launch which means that only approved users on version 8.1 will be able to sync. After November 12 upgrading is recommended since there is no reason to stay on the older version anymore.
Data that you have synced to your ADP site will remain available to you up until you regain access to sync in the Soft Launch.
We’ve sent everyone more detailed instructions via email along with details on when we expect to start onboarding you for our soft launch.
If you haven’t been scheduled yet, there will be instructions on how you can sign up.
Soft launch onboarding will happen in waves to allow us to monitor the status of our services and ensure that everyone using the platform has an optimal experience.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know below.
11-05-2020 03:19 PM
Will helpdesk be included in the soft launch?
Soft launch=?
Still a bit confused how do I/we get access/sign up? I guess those her in the insiders site will be prioritized as we are obviously very interested in all new Lansweeper features etc.
11-05-2020 03:56 PM
Soft launch does not include extra features over the current version. As mentioned, its a clean reset for our production environment where we will slowly ramp up the number of people in it, so we can guarantee stability (new functionality will continue to be added over time, even during soft launch).
In regards to getting access, if you have been accepted in the early access stage (meaning you signed up for it) you should have gotten an email at the beginning of this week with details on how you can sign up for the soft launch or (if you’re already scheduled) when you will get access.
The priority is as follows:
I’ll probably make a topic on the scheduling so you can keep an eye on it aside from watching your email inbox.
11-05-2020 05:40 AM
What about fixes from
I’m looking for:
Are they included in
11-05-2020 12:02 PM
Yes they are included. I’ll try and get a changelog here.
11-05-2020 12:37 PM
https://www.lansweeper.com/changelog/ - there are few fixes and enchancements.
Only small part from insider forum.
11-05-2020 01:42 PM
I saw that, it seems that that list isn’t complete. I’ve alerted the people responsible to take another look.
They are working on completing the changelog. But going through the dev cases and making them understandable can take some time especially when there are over 300 changes.
11-04-2020 12:36 PM
Hi Esben, I’ve have a few questions…
Besides the obvious ones (mobile interface, access it anywhere, global sync) will the new versions have features that only the cloud-based setup will provide ? Or saying in another way, will the “on-premises only” setup loose functionality over time , like what happened between version 6 and 7 ?
And the pricing, will it be the same for the on-premises, hybrid and Cloud-Only versions ?
11-04-2020 03:03 PM
Hey fjca,
There will indeed be cloud-only features. The main reasons for these cloud “exclusive” features is that the cloud infrastructure and architecture allows us to create these feature much much easier.
A good example of this is the software normalization. Could this technically be done on-prem? Yes.
But the new database structure in cloud is what allows us to do this without trying to push a triangle through a square hole.
Since Lansweeper will always require an on-prem component to scan, any update we do to the on-prem component will also be usable on-prem (like scanning more info from an asset or scanning new asset types)
TLDR: Will there be cloud exclusive features? Yes. Will on-premise lose features? No
As for pricing, our current default pricing on the website remains the same and those people will have access to the Asset Data Platform (they are also subject ot the onboarding schedule at the moment)
Now for people who have custom contracts, those will be handled on a case-by-case basis. It is likely that some people will need to review their license before they can get access. As you might know, hosting data in cloud isn’t free .
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