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Engaged Sweeper

"The consultant is also allowed to use it's own company logo/name in the Lansweeper interface instead of the Lansweeper logo (as long as the premium subscription is active)"

Ref. http://www.lansweeper.com/premium-users.aspx

Do you you have documentation on how to accomplish this?

I have looked in you KB section and have searched the forums and have found nothing. I have not tried tinkering with the application, though. I assume that one could simply replace files with images of suitable dimensions.


Lansweeper Alumni
DeltaTangoMike wrote:

I have looked in you KB section and have searched the forums and have found nothing. I have not tried tinkering with the application, though. I assume that one could simply replace files with images of suitable dimensions.

On the website you can indeed just replace the images with the ones you want.
(to make it really advanced you can edit the default.aspx page if you know what you are doing)


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