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Engaged Sweeper III

Little help required...

We have LSclient running on most of our PC's and its been working fine for a number of years..
We havejust upgarded to verison 3.5 as it can now be restricted to specific OU's..

We have pointed the service at the the OUs we want to scan..

My quesiton regarding this is:
1) Will it matter if a PC reports back via LSClient, and then picked up in the Active Scan? Will it just be skipped?
2) Can the OU filter be restricted to pc that match a specific filter? (eg starts UK**** )

Secondly is the Lansweeperservice.exe.config file still used?

If so is the line below not casuing it to go and scan anything it can see?

<add key="Activescanning" value="1" />



Lansweeper Alumni
Active scanning looks at the domaincontrollers for recently contacted computers.
if 4000 of these computers are turned off, then there will never be a scanning attempt.

Could you please specify where you get a timeout?
Engaged Sweeper III
Lansweeper wrote:
Active scanning looks at the domaincontrollers for recently contacted computers.
if 4000 of these computers are turned off, then there will never be a scanning attempt.

Could you please specify where you get a timeout?

Thanks that helps..

If a remote user connects to the network via VPN, eg they log on localy, then start the VPN would the DC see this as a connenction?

Currently these people are missed, LSclinet runs at the local logon, at which point there is not a network connection.

The error from the log is:

10/9/2009 6:54:28 PM: System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapDirectoryIdentifier The operation was aborted because the client side timeout limit was exceeded
d.i.saunders wrote:

10/9/2009 6:54:28 PM: System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapDirectoryIdentifier The operation was aborted because the client side timeout limit was exceeded

Which version of lansweeperservice.exe are you running?
Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks for the reply..

If devices are gonig to be scanned twice how long will it take the Acctive san to make its way around 5000 in the OU..

I understand that this will depend on netowrk speed etc, but does it just work around in a look.. start at the first pc, then the next, until its done them all.. then it starts again ?

Also, im getting an error regarding the clinets timing out on active scan.. I have changed this to 3mins, but it alwars changes back to one..

is there a way to keep it at 3?

Lansweeper Alumni
We have LSclient running on most of our PC's and its been working fine for a number of years..
We havejust upgarded to verison 3.5 as it can now be restricted to specific OU's..

OU filtering is only applied to active scanning, when you start lsclient the computer will always be scanned.

1) Will it matter if a PC reports back via LSClient, and then picked up in the Active Scan?

It will be scanned twice (depending on the waittimes)

2) Can the OU filter be restricted to pc that match a specific filter? (eg starts UK**** )


Secondly is the Lansweeperservice.exe.config file still used?
If so is the line below not casuing it to go and scan anything it can see?
<add key="Activescanning" value="1" />

The config file is still used but the "activescanning" line is not used anymore.


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