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Engaged Sweeper
I was wondering if there was any chance lsremote is going to be working on Windows 2000 in the future? I know its in beta currently but it would be a huge help considering win2k does not support RDP.

If it actually is supposed to work and I am doing something wrong then the error I am currently recieving is "Authentication Failed!". I get the same message on all win2k machines on all systems I am running lansweeper.
Engaged Sweeper
Ok.. After finding a win2k computer it worked on and comparing their configurations I was able to find that computers it did not work with already had VNC server installation and the service was running. When I killed and disabled the VNC service on the workstation I was able to connect with no problem.

I did not realize these machines had VNC already installed on them and causing a problem. Thanks for the help anyhow.
Engaged Sweeper
Strangely I tried a different random 2000 machine and it worked on one. I have this problem at two separate locations. I have only gotten one machine to work so far...

I click the lsremote action. It ask me if I want to run it and then it ask me to run the active x control. Then normally it just opens the vnc screen but instead I get "authentication failed!". Sometimes I just have to click ok on the error once and it goes away and other times I have to click it more than once and it will say "too many failures".

Lansweeper Alumni
Could you post a screenshot of your complete screen please and at what point you get this error.
(it is supposed to work)