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Engaged Sweeper III

I would just like to know if it is possible to modify the lsremote.exe so it gives a warning to the user when taking remote control. This would really be needed in order to use it here since we don't want people to start spying on others. The same question can be asked about screengrab.exe, would it be possible to give a warning or prompt when taking a remote screenshot? Please redirect me if I missed a topic that solves this problem.

Thanks, pentel.

P.S. On a completely different note, would it be possible to tell me the variable to use to get a MAC address? I know there is one since the WOL feature uses this...
Engaged Sweeper III
Cobra, I tried that other custom VNC you linked, and it fits my needs precisely. I guess that my problem is now resolved.
Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks for your replies, that was about what I was expecting, except for the MAC address problem...

Lansweeper you gave a very good point about not needing a prompt when using remote control, I wonder why I didn't think of that. In a measure of preventive security I enabled authenticated access to the Lansweeper web interface, so it should make me sleep better at night since only the right people will know how to log on to it.

Regarding the MAC address (I know I should maybe put another topic, but while it's here...) : could you please explain to me how it detects the MAC address when attempting to do the Wake On Lan function on the computer page? I am pretty sure it will take the network card with which it established connection to Lansweeper, and that is fine, but how can it retrieve the MAC address into a variable and throw it back in the WOL function?

Champion Sweeper
See if this helps


As far as my company there are only 5 of us who use it company wide (Offsite people only get their own site PC's) so we don't need to worry about spying, so I never used this one.

I also came across a post a few months back where someone split the Lansweeper web site so that only a few people could see all of the custom actions and normal users only got a few. Might consider looking for that one as well.
Lansweeper Alumni
I would just like to know if it is possible to modify the lsremote.exe so it gives a warning to the user when taking remote control. This would really be needed in order to use it here since we don't want people to start spying on others. The same question can be asked about screengrab.exe, would it be possible to give a warning or prompt when taking a remote screenshot? Please redirect me if I missed a topic that solves this problem.

A warning isn't implemented in the software at the moment. (please add it to the wish list)

These tools can only be used by someone who is an administrator on the target computer.
If you are an administrator on the target computer you can already do these things (and many others) anyway with or without the help of lansweeper tools.

P.S. On a completely different note, would it be possible to tell me the variable to use to get a MAC address? I know there is one since the WOL feature uses this...

There isn't one since you can have multiple network cards bound to a computer (the wol targets only one mac address)


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