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Engaged Sweeper

i have another problem of understanding.

I try to use lstrigger to force a rescan of some computers.
lstrigger.exe SOMEDOM
Lansweeper trigger client

If i look at lansweeperserver:9524 i can see the counter increment by one every time i issue the command. However the data for the computer is not updated. I can't see it in the dashboard last seen column. The date and time for "last seen" on the action page did not change.

If i start the client

I can see the computer in the last seen column, the date and time for last seen is changed but the other data for the computer did not reflect changed settings (like computer description, logged in user and so on).

I thought lstrigger forces a remote scan of a computer. Did i misunderstood something or is it a bug or configuration problem? Is lstrigger.exe from the premium package compatible with 4.0?
Lansweeper Alumni
No, the 2e parameter should always be the name of your lansweeper server.
Scanning is normally first fqdn, then netbiosname, then IP (until one works)
Engaged Sweeper
Wow, you're really fast

Ok, i tested it an it works.

For multiple domains with different IPs and locations over WAN connections, is this correct?

lstrigger.exe lansweeperserver.domain-1.tld PCTEST DOMAIN-3

Will this use the fqdn for scanning or the netbios name?

Edit: It seem not to work if two computers in different domains have the same name.
Lansweeper Alumni
For lstrigger the computername must be the netbiosname of the computer -> somepc

The service checks if this pc and domain exist in the database, if not it won't scan.


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