Why does running LSTRIGGER.EXE update the LASTSEEN field?
This past weekend, I pushed some Adobe Flash Player updates to some of our computers. Then I ran LSTrigger.exe against them to update the database. Then I re-ran my report on Flash installed to see who had not updated. I had some computers that had not updated. I looked at the LASTSEEN field to see if maybe these were old computers that needed to be deleted and the LastSeen field showed just a few minutes ago. So I purposely entered in a retired computer that had not been deleted yet and ran LSTRIGGER and the LASTSEEN field updated to the current time.
I would consider this a bug. The LASTSEEN should show when the computer last successfully communicated with the LanSweeper server.
Ok.. you are right, I can use LastActiveScan which will mostly do what I need. We have a couple dozen computers in workgroup mode where that will not work but they are the minority. Thanks for the idea.
Please still keep the change for LSTrigger to only update on successful scan on the wish list.
Yes, the LASTSEEN date should ONLY be updated on a SUCCESSFUL communication with the server.
I would put this in the bug fix category, not the wish list, so it gets attention sooner. People are using the LastSeen field to determine if a computer is active or not. The way LSTrigger works now, we can NOT tell if a computer is active or not.