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Engaged Sweeper
Hi, I have Lansweeper installed in one PC, and often the cpu process go high. I´m thinking to migrate product to a server that now its free. Can anyone tell me, wich steps should I follow for migration?

Engaged Sweeper
Ok, I will apply this settings in all machines that have total autorun value in a high value.
Last question, the path C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup should be with or without quotes?
Engaged Sweeper
I did that in one of the afected pcs, and shell folders has multiples values, as you can see below:

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"AppData"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\NetworkService\\Datos de programa"
"Desktop"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Default User\\Escritorio"
"NetHood"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\bstaroselsky\\Entorno de red"
"Personal"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Default User\\Mis documentos"
"Start Menu"=""
"Local Settings"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Configuración local"
"Local AppData"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\NetworkService\\Configuración local\\Datos de programa"
"Cache"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Configuración local\\Archivos temporales de Internet"
"History"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\NetworkService\\Configuración local\\Historial"
"My Pictures"=""
"My Music"=""

From all of this keys, the one that I have to modify is "Startup"=""?
Lansweeper Alumni
bernardo wrote:
I did that in one of the afected pcs, and shell folders has multiples values, as you can see below:

[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]

From all of this keys, the one that I have to modify is "Startup"=""?

Yes, it shouldn't be empty
Lansweeper Alumni
You need to do the following on these problem clients:

open regedit.exe

"HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" has no value or points to a non-existent folder then the problem described above occurs. This folder can be pointed to a dummy folder that is empty to prevent this problem or you can set this value to:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
Engaged Sweeper
Sorry, but I´m not sure that I understand well the autorun solution.
As I can see on the query result, pc399vm and nb485vm give 5415 and 4777 total autorun value. If I understand well, this is a high value?.
I read the post that you suggested and following they I opened lsmanager and under scan options -> autorun the value is to scan every 1 day. The solution is to modify this value, setting for example a value of 10.000?
But, why only this 2 machines give this hign autorun value, and the others pcs on my networks have a small value (on order on 30 aprox.?).

Sorry for my english 😉
Lansweeper Alumni
I would first suggest to solve the autorun problem, it is known to cause a CPU stress when these items are scanned.
Engaged Sweeper
Do you suggest that is not necesary to install Lansweeper on another pc to solve the high cpu usage on lansweeper server?
Lansweeper Alumni
See this thread to solve your problem : http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst1740_tblAutorun-table-growing-alarmingly-quickly.aspx
Engaged Sweeper
Ok, with this modification I had obtained the same result:

NB485VM Dirección LONGVIE 4777
Engaged Sweeper II
use web30repActiveComputers instead of web40repActiveComputers


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