We recently had a user's hard drive fail and I later noticed that his event log was full of "bad block" errors that would have alerted us to the problem ahead of time if we had been more attentive to the event log feature in LANSweeper. To assist us with detecting these types of errors in the future, I created a report to display these bad block errors. Here it is:
Select Top 1000000 tblntlogevent.Computername,
tblcomputers.ComputerUnique, tblntlogevent.Message, tblntlogevent.Sourcename From tblntlogevent Inner Join tblcomputers On tblcomputers.Computername = tblntlogevent.Computername Where tblntlogevent.Sourcename = 'Disk' Order By tblntlogevent.Computername
This report returns a little over 5,000 results but there are only about 15 different computers that are reporting these events. Is there a way for me to "summarize" these results a little better so that I can group the errors by computer, thus reducing the size of the report and the time it takes to load?
Thanks in advance.