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Engaged Sweeper
Hi! I found a similar topic in the "solved" area, however it doesn't quite help me with my problem.
So far I only have a few computers in the domain, but it should be enough to test lansweeper.
However NO computers are shown in the Lansweeper Management Console!

I copied LSclient.exe to the domain controller's netlogon folder.
I created a startup.cmd (with the following content) and put it in the netlogon-folder:
%logonserver%\netlogon\lsclient.exe myserver
I replaced '%logonserver%' with my domain controller name and 'myserver' with the name of the lansweeper server.

By the way: It makes a difference in size of the startup.cmd whether you write it as a *.txt or as a *.doc (before renaming it to *.cmd)
I tried it either way, still not working.

Now what about the "Administrator Properties / Profiles" that I need to modify according to the Documentation.pdf?
Do I need to log onto the domain controller and change them there? Because aparently, if I do so via remote control, no users can be found on that Server, so there is no way for me to change the properties. Is this where my problem is? Or is there something else I forgot?

Connection Tests work perfectly for both the lansweeper server (of course, that's where I'm working) and the domain controller. So I figure these two should be shown in the Management Console the least, right?

Thanks for your help!
Engaged Sweeper
I found my mistake. Obviously I'm a newbie to network management and I accidently tried to set up the startup.cmd for the login-accounts on the domain controller, not the active directory users. my bad...

I'm still having problems with some PCs that don't show up, but so far I couldn't figure out what they have in common, so I will try to figure this out first. Thanks for your help anyway!
Lansweeper Alumni
By the way: It makes a difference in size of the startup.cmd whether you write it as a *.txt or as a *.doc (before renaming it to *.cmd)
I tried it either way, still not working.

Not sure what you mean by this.

Did you try manually running lsclient from the machines? Did this work?


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