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Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper 4 beta
Computer configuration>User info>Last logon
Field Username.
Russian characters is ??????? signs.
Lansweeper Alumni
Username unicode has been fixed in latest beta (12 April), please test. (needs new lsclient)
Lansweeper Alumni
This looks correct.
How many computers are affected by this problem?
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper wrote:
This looks correct.
How many computers are affected by this problem?

2 Computers.
Lansweeper Alumni
Did you had a chance to test this?
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper wrote:
Did you had a chance to test this?

Screenshot of output report in my previous post.
Lansweeper Alumni
Please send the output from this report:
Select clmns.name As Name, usrt.name As DataType, IsNull(baset.name,
N'') As SystemType, Cast(Case
When baset.name In (N'nchar', N'nvarchar') And clmns.max_length <>
-1 Then clmns.max_length / 2 Else clmns.max_length
End As int) As Length, Cast(clmns.precision As int) As NumericPrecision
From sys.tables As tbl Inner Join
sys.all_columns As clmns On clmns.object_id = tbl.object_id Left Outer Join
sys.types As usrt On usrt.user_type_id = clmns.user_type_id Left Outer Join
sys.types As baset On baset.user_type_id = clmns.system_type_id And
baset.user_type_id = baset.system_type_id
Where tbl.name = 'tblerrors' And Schema_Name(tbl.schema_id) = N'dbo'
Order By clmns.column_id
Lansweeper Alumni
For the lastest error regarding "errortext"
Could you please check the field definition of field "errortext" in table "tblerrors"
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper wrote:
For the lastest error regarding "errortext"
Could you please check the field definition of field "errortext" in table "tblerrors"

Not quite understand what is required to make
Engaged Sweeper
By the way does not work link: Find solutions to common problems in the troubleshooting guide
An error:
Server Error in '/' Application.

The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /kb/troubleshooting-guide.aspx


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