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Engaged Sweeper

I'm using the last version of free lansweeper. It is deployed in an Windows 2003 domain, and I'm using AD (with and script and lsclient.exe) to get data from my clients. My pc clients are XP SP3 and W2003 Server Standard.

The problem I have is most data I get for my servers are old. I mean, when I look the "last seen" of all them, most of them has data from several month ago.
But because I'm using the default setup of lansweeper (Autorun=1, and Services=3), I understand data ought to be updated every time I logon into my servers (using Terminal Server, or locally). All that servers were rebooted in the last month, but data in lansweeper (after I did logon in them) are not updated.

How can I fix it?

Thank you!
Engaged Sweeper
Hi again,

just one question else: what's the meaning of the "last seen" feature?
Because I'm checking that it doesn't means that lansweeper has the last info about the "last seen" computer.
So, I understand "last seen" is the same as "Lansweeper can connect to this computer", but the info will be updated regarding the Wait time, isn't it?

Lansweeper Alumni
argie01 wrote:

just one question else: what's the meaning of the "last seen" feature?
Because I'm checking that it doesn't means that lansweeper has the last info about the "last seen" computer.
So, I understand "last seen" is the same as "Lansweeper can connect to this computer", but the info will be updated regarding the Wait time, isn't it?

That entirely correct.
You can check the other "last scanned" dates in the table for each item (which will be updated according to the waittime)
Engaged Sweeper
1. Lansweeper service is executing fine, using an Administrator user.
2. The firewall service on lansweeper server is disabled.
3. When I do pings from a server to my lansweeper server I get the "pongs".
4. When I try to check the connection from my PC to the lansweeper server using LSClient.exe I can't get the connection. But the data of my PC were updated yesterday on lansweeper Web Console.


1. When I do telnet to port 9524 from my servers or my clients XP to lansweeper server I can't connect
2. On my lansweeper server, when I try to browse I can't connect.


After restart the lansweeper service (but not the server) all is working fine again... But the problem is I have rebooted the lansweeper server several times in the last months, and the lansweeper service was always running in the server...
Lansweeper Alumni

- The lansweeper service is not running. (not likely if the clients work)
- A firewall is blocking access to the lansweeper server from the servers.
- the name resolution for "server" does not work on the servers.
Engaged Sweeper
you're right:

LSclient.exe "server" "9524"

Lansweeper client

But nothing had changed in the last months in my lansweeper installation, except by the updates you have released.
And the XP clients seems to be working fine, whilst they are getting your script from the servers that can't connect...

Any idea?

Thanks again.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you try to manually run lsclient on the servers.
Are you sure that your service is still running?


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