Well, This is the way how I run my lsclient using Group policy:
Group Policy manager --> User Configuration --> Windows settings --> Scripts (logon / Logoff) --> Logon
Name: cscript
Parameters: %logonserver%\netlogon\Lansweeper\lsclient.vbs
In this directory, there are two files:
lsclient.vbs with the following:
'Dit script houd de CMDB bij en voegt servers toe welke nog niet in de cmdb staan.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.run "%logonserver%\netlogon\Lansweeper\LSclient.exe nlutsrcmdb01.strukton.org",1
And the file lsclient.exe
I thought that the service running the lansweeper30.exe, was starting scripts remotely. Is the way I use GP to run correct?