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Engaged Sweeper

I use lansweeper's product key scan to make an inventory of all the product keys in the company but I have a little problem.
For some computers Lansweeper cannot retrieve the product keys. However for the same software and same OS he found the product keys for other computers.

In Software report the software is here but nothing in Product keys section.

Did someone can help me please ?

I thank you in advance.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you please contact us at to further try to solve this problem.
Engaged Sweeper
In those hosts, Action screen, Custom fields, Configuration browser, Computer report, Software report all informations are ok, there is only the Product keys section which is empty.

I tried with a product key finder (Product Key Explorer) and he found the correct keys.
Lansweeper Alumni
Might be a wild guess but it might be that somehow the security on these keys is changed from the default so the lansweeper user can't scan it. (on access denied the registry acts like the key isn't there)
Are other registry functions working on these hosts?
Engaged Sweeper
The other premium features working very well.

In the errorlog.txt there is no errors about the computers with the Product keys section empty
Lansweeper Alumni
Are the other premium features working? (active directory information?)
Do you see any errors for this computer (or in the errorlog.txt file)?
Engaged Sweeper
I set the serialnumber "waittime" to 1 day. I also tried "trigger scan" but nothing in Product keys section. We have 13 computers with the Product keys section empty.

Furthermore, using regedit, the needed registry key is ok.
Lansweeper Alumni
It could be that the "waittime" for product keys is not yet expired?
If this is ok, could you check if you see the needed registry keys on these computers (using regedit)


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