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Engaged Sweeper

There is a thing I´m afraid to do becouse I can´t figure out how will impact in my almost 100% successfully scanned hosts (AD scanning enabled). I´ve almost reached a point in wich AD and lansweeper give us the same information, and I dont want to change this status.(Attached file with our config)

Yesterday I had about 100 computer scanning errors in our domain. I deleted our inactive hosts from AD.

today, I want to make dissapear those deleted/inactive hosts from lansweeper, but in case some hosts shouldn´t been deleted, I would like to have a way to "undo" it and rescan them again.(rejoin domain and wait for lansweeper to see them)

My question is:

Will I be able to scan again hosts deleted from lansweeper database due to "Permanently delete computers not seen in the last 90 days"?

For instance (days = 90); if we have some workers on a client (thus, not login on our domain for about 100 days) their laptops will be permanently deleted from lansweeper database.
At the 101th day they come back to our LAN with those permanently deleted laptops: Will lansweeper scan those hosts after I rejoin them to our domain with the same hostname? I suppose no, but then I need a way to avoid this situation.

what if I manually clean the dbo.tsysdonotscan table? then would I be able to rescan those rejoined laptops?

thanks for your time, and I´m sorry If this posts is full of grammar errors.
Engaged Sweeper

If the computer haven´t been deleted in active directory and you are using active scanning and active directory scanning you need to do nothing. In the next logon lansweeper will aknowledge it and sooner or later will be rescaned.(lansweeper documentation explains it)

My advice is to use lspush.exe in the logon script for the users as well. this way, this host will be rescaned in the logon time, allowing you to check if it is or not scanned.

If you need help with logon script and lspush.exe configuration let me know.

Anyway, I´m just a lansweeper admin that has been doing many tests...; maybe you should wait for an official response from lanswweper forum staff.

good luck
Engaged Sweeper
I have a follow up question to this:

Would this computer (which has been permanently deleted) need to be rejoined to the domain to allow it to be rescanned or would lansweeper pick up the computer automatically the next time it logs on to the domain?


Engaged Sweeper
Thank you very much for the information provided, and for the quick response.

I´ll follow your advise.

Nice service.
Lansweeper Alumni
GuillerminGo wrote:
At the 101th day they come back to our LAN with those permanently deleted laptops: Will lansweeper scan those hosts after I rejoin them to our domain with the same hostname? I suppose no, but then I need a way to avoid this situation.

what if I manually clean the dbo.tsysdonotscan table? then would I be able to rescan those rejoined laptops?

Computers deleted from your database through your cleanup options will NOT be added to TsysDonotscan. You are only removing their entries from your database, you are not preventing them from being rescanned in the future. You can only add computers to TsysDonotscan by submitting them in the configuration console under Scanning Options\Computer Exclusions.

So if these computers are joined to your domain again and you are using Active Scanning for instance, they will be rescanned.


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