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Engaged Sweeper
I need to scan the (Standard) Regvalue of a RegPath.

Micorosoft writes that i must use "" as RegValue Name, but this does not work in Lansweeper.
Engaged Sweeper
I can confirm that this patch fix the issue.

Lansweeper Alumni
alerox wrote:
I can confirm that this patch fix the issue.


Thank you for your feedback. The bug fix will likely be included in our next update.
Engaged Sweeper
I'm in the same situation of rupitz. I'll install the patch to see if it fix the issue.

Lansweeper Alumni
- If no value is set for "Default", the key cannot be scanned.

- If a value is set for "Default" and other values are present in the same container, you should be able to scan "Default" without issue. Please ensure that the registry key submitted is correct and that you've performed a "Full Rescan" of all your machines.

- There was an issue with scanning (defined) "Default" registry values when no other values were present in the container. We created a fix for this, which we sent to rupitz.
If you would also like to test this update, you may download it here. Run the installer, click through the opening screens and choose “Upgrade”. Detailed upgrade instructions can be found on page 103 and beyond of our online documentation.
Engaged Sweeper
I've the the same problem. I'm trying to get some keys (see attached picture) but the table tblRegistry is empty (0 rows). Some of the keys have a default value and some doesn't exist. I know that the not-existent key are discarded, but I'm expecting to find data for the existent one but it doesn't work.

Please... help!

Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us at and provide us with screenshots of the following:
- Within regedit, the registry value you are attempting to scan.
- Your Lansweeper configuration console under Scanning Options\Registry Scanning.
- Lansweeper webpage for one computer that has the registry key. Show us the Actions and Config\Scanned Info\Registry Keys sections of the page.

(Please do not blank out any relevant details in your screenshots. All information provided to us remains strictly confidential.)
Engaged Sweeper
I tried this multiple times, i never got a standard regvalue where i know for sure there is one.
Lansweeper Alumni
You currently need to use a workaround in order to do this. You can submit a “(Default)” key for scanning by doing the following:
- Submit your key in the configuration console under Scanning Options\Registry Scanning. Enter a bogus value for the “Regvalue” field and then add the key for scanning.
- With the key already submitted for scanning, remove the bogus value you entered for the “Regvalue” field.

Don’t forget to perform a “Full Rescan” of the machines you need after submitting the key for scanning.


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