I found startreg.exe does not open up the full registry when connecting to a 64 bit machine as it opens regedit up in 32 bit mode. I found AutoIT code provided by Sticky on the lansweeper forum posted from 2009 and converted it to 64 bit which now runs the process as 64 bit.
Please see below Sticky’s code compiled to a 64 bit executable.
http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst1395_Connect-to-remote-registry-tool.aspx ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.3 ; Language: English ; Platform: Win2000/XP/Vista/2008 ; Author: Michael Ward ; ; Script Function: ; Connects to a remote registry using regedit ;
if ($CmdLine[0] > 0) Then $hostname = $CmdLine[1] Else MsgBox(48,"Error","No Hostname Specified",60) Exit(1) EndIf
; Run Regedit Run("regedit.exe")
; Wait for the regedit to become active WinWaitActive("Registry Editor")
; Connect to the remote registry Send("!f") Send("c") WinWaitActive("Select Computer") Send($hostname) Send("{ENTER}")