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Engaged Sweeper

I've downloaded your remote uninstall utility and am having just a couple of issues.

1. Under the custom actions area, I've added a line for Remote Uninstall and put in the UNC of \\servername\share\remoteuninst.exe {computer} but when I try to launch this from the actions screen, I get an error saying "Error, file not found". I do have the remoteuninst.exe file in that directory.

2. If I just run the utility by executing it and putting a computer name in the interface, it nicely displays all of the software installed and shows them in a list. One item that I'd like to remove from computer is an old version of winzip. It shows me what it will use for the uninstall string but the string isn't quite complete as I'd like to add the /qn /norestart switch to it. How can I edit the command that will be run when I choose to uninstall the application?

Lansweeper Alumni
1) something must be wrong with the path if you get a file not found (maybe spaces?)
2) You can edit the command just by typing information in the text box before clicking the "uninstall" button


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