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Engaged Sweeper

I have Lansweeper set on our local site too work with Active directory and it works like a treat so thank you, we have alot of remote users who connect into work either thru a Checkpoint or CAG VPN. Once a user connects thru CAG they are assigned a static IP in the 192.x.x.x range but we use a 10.10.x.x range locally. I can telnet too the server from the remote machine whilst connected thru the VPN using port 135 but iam still getting two error when i try too remote scan - error 135 and RPC server unavailable. Is it a case that lansweeper will only work when a user is connected locally on our domain.

i run the lstrigger with the following setting

servername hostname domain

is this right or should i be using ip address assigned by VPN

ports open on firwall 135, 9524
Engaged Sweeper
Hi , can i scan a range of IP address or am i limited too scanning workstaion names per OU
Lansweeper Alumni
choltas wrote:
Hi , can i scan a range of IP address or am i limited too scanning workstaion names per OU

Next version will have ip range scanning.
Engaged Sweeper
i will manually update my dns record too point too the 192 address and see if this works
Lansweeper Alumni
The service is trying to resolve (which probably point to the old address)
Engaged Sweeper
The RPC server is unavailable 0x800706BA (, bullantest1)
Cannot connect to DCOM port 135 : Firewalled? (bullantest1)

my workstaion has a DNS entry in my domain with ip address of 10.10.4.x
but when the workstaion is connected in remotely the DNS name no longer matches too a 10.10.4.x address but too a 192.x.x.x
so when i run an lstrigger am i right in saying that the lansweeper is looking for the workstaion with the 10.10.4.x address
Lansweeper Alumni
What is the exact error message?
Between the brackets () it should show to where the service is trying to connect.


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