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Engaged Sweeper
Please excuse my "nubness". I'm not at all familiar with SQL or queries. My department is now barely getting involved with SQL, so we're VERY new to this. We purchsed the LS Premium for hardware & software inventory accross the network. I've managed to figure out creation of SQL queries (simple) using the builder to generate reports for Senior Management on software installed accross the network. Here's my problem:

They want a report of ALL Adobe Readers & Adobe Standard installations to determine how many licenses we need to purchase to upgrade everyone to 9.0 (some already have this installed). When I run the report, I show ALL Adobe PRODUCTS - which include Flash, Air, Shockwave, etc. I have the SQL query running against: "softwarepublisher = adobe systems OR adobe systems incorporated". Is there a way I could use a wild card on: "softwareName = adobe reader * OR adobe standard * " to eliminate the other products from showing on the report? When I created a report with the wild card, I got nothing back as a result (no errors or anything).

All your help is GREATLY appreciated! This will also help with another report they just asked for this morning, all installs of Microsoft Office and what versions.
Engaged Sweeper
WOW! Just what I needed!

You guys have got to have the quickest response time for support I've EVER seen! Keep up the good work!
TermIT wrote:
You guys have got to have the quickest response time for support I've EVER seen! Keep up the good work!

Just a coincidence 😉
Lansweeper Alumni
You need to use the '%'
like 'adobe%'

See this little movie : http://screencast.com/t/HAM5RjtupIp


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