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Engaged Sweeper
Is this where it's done?

I have the free version install and we are considering purchasing the Managed Services license pack. We are a managed services company and support 20-25 different networks. I like the free version but it would be ideal not to have to install VNC on every machine and to NOT have a login script.

I belive I've seen you send the key via private message but email is fine too. Let me know if there's anything else I need to do.
Engaged Sweeper
I would also like to request a few days to try the premium version. While I am not part of a consultant compnay, I do have a single domain and 13 workgroups I would like to see if I can gether the inventory info from the remote workgroups with Lansweeper.

I understand this may not be specifically supported, but it seems like there might be a way to do it.

I have Lansweeper orking in my domain perfectly at this point.

If you can send it to me by e-mail that would be great.

Thanks for your help


Kevin Pulford
Lansweeper Alumni
PM send


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