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Engaged Sweeper
Hello, we are looking to buy but have one question first: is there any way to turn off all scanning activities during certain hours? or in other words, make it so active scanning only works from the hours of 4pm-6pm?

I looked at scheduled scans, but only one of my domains shows up as an option ( i have no trust between domains so i cant select the OU target as the list does not populate my other domain).

Any help would be appreciated on how to accomplish this. We have strict latency requirements during the day and need to minimize any activity (however low it is) on our machines during production.
Lansweeper Alumni
Hello, we are looking to buy but have one question first: is there any way to turn off all scanning activities during certain hours? or in other words, make it so active scanning only works from the hours of 4pm-6pm?

This is not possible with active scanning.

I looked at scheduled scans, but only one of my domains shows up as an option ( i have no trust between domains so i cant select the OU target as the list does not populate my other domain).

You can manually type in the OU names and domains in the scheduled scanning.


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