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Engaged Sweeper

i have tryied to scan my Domain Controllers OU both with Active Sync and Scheduled Sync, but they always gets Aborted due to 2hours time ( Complaining about WMI ) But WMI is ok on the DC Servers.
If i run wmimgmt.msc on the Lansweeper server against my DC Servers they can speak WMI.

Is it not a god idé to scan my DC Servers, beacuse of the big amount of Computers and Users
( 10000 computers and about 40000 users )

And when the DC Servers cant be synced, they don´t disapere from the Syncing Que, with the result that the lansweeper scanning server hang on 100% CPU.

Any ide´s what i can do
Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact and provide us with a link to this forum thread.
Engaged Sweeper
this i can see in error.log

DC01 USERSINGROUP Thread was being aborted.
at System.Globalization.TextInfo.InternalChangeCaseString(IntPtr handle, String localeName, String str, Boolean isToUpper)
at System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToLower(String str)
at System.String.ToLowerInvariant()
at LansweeperService.Compare.CompareDatasets(String section, DataTable rstOriginal, DataTable rstNewScan, String Table, Asset myAsset, IDbConnection& sqlcon)

But i can now see the DC01 in the database, but the DC01 is still trying to get scanned, so the lansweeper scanning server is at 100% CPU 24/7

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