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Engaged Sweeper

I am intersested in supercrypt 2.0, but since there is no demo (that I can see), I am doing some preliminary testing with a version of 1.0 I found.

Thing is, I must be entering the parameters wrong, as I can't get things to work.

Initially, I am simply trying to call a bat file (aplink.bat) with contents of:

echo hello

Supercrypt.exe and aplink.bat are sitting in c:\test\supercrypt

I have entered the following in supercrypter:

Command: "C:\test\supercrypt\aplink.bat"
Executable: aplink.bat
Runpath: C:\test\supercrypt

I then create the lsc file (bat.lsc) and have created a shortcut to supercrypt.exe. within the shortcut properties I have:

target: C:\test\supercrypt\supercrypt.exe "c:\test\supercrypt\bat.lsc"
start in: C:\test\supercrypt

This does not seem to work. I have also tried various other 'entries' in the command, executable, runpath parameters, but to no avail.

Any help would be great.
Lansweeper Alumni
I'm sorry but supercrypt 1 is no longer supported.


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