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Engaged Sweeper
How often does LAN Sweeper by default scan a network? I ask because in looking at the list of computers it has found, there are quite a bit that haven't been rescanned since the initial scan which was 10+ days ago.

I thought it would scan all computer a little more often than that. Is there a way to either reduce the amount of time between scans or possible schedule when the network scan will happen and how often?

Engaged Sweeper
we're not worrying about that domain - just

Also, we do not have any DNS issues.

Lansweeper Alumni
mtaggart wrote:
we're not worrying about that domain - just

Also, we do not have any DNS issues.

Please mail us at for an updated service.
Lansweeper Alumni The server is not operational
Is most likely a problem with active directory, make sure that the dns name can be resolved.
Engaged Sweeper
it's been uploaded.
Engaged Sweeper
It's both computers and servers not being updated/rescanned since we installed the product back on 2/23/2010 ...
Lansweeper Alumni
mtaggart wrote:
It's both computers and servers not being updated/rescanned since we installed the product back on 2/23/2010 ...

Could you upload (or mail to your errorlog.txt file please.
Lansweeper Alumni
mtaggart wrote:
How often does LAN Sweeper by default scan a network? I ask because in looking at the list of computers it has found, there are quite a bit that haven't been rescanned since the initial scan which was 10+ days ago.

I thought it would scan all computer a little more often than that. Is there a way to either reduce the amount of time between scans or possible schedule when the network scan will happen and how often?

I assume you mean active scanning:

How active scanning works:
lansweeper queries all domaincontrollers every 15 minutes to search for recently logged on computers.
The computers are then scanned if they weren't scanned in the last 8 hours.

Workstations connect to dc's almost every hour, servers can take some more time.

Are the computers with the problem servers or workstations?

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