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Engaged Sweeper

Sorry if this is a stupid question but, I have software installed on my PC which does not appear on Add/Remove Programs, but does have an executable file running. I have set Lansweeper to scan for this file and the wait time for Files in scan options is set to 0 (I have also tried setting it to 1). I have run Lstrigger.exe on my PC and my "Last seen" time has updated, but I can't see the information about the scanned file anywhere.

Where would this information appear? Is there a report that I have to enable - I can't find one!

Any help would be appreciated.

Lansweeper Alumni
This should be visible from version 3.5.1

To see how many pc's are running this you will need to create a custom report.
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for the quick response.

The Configuration Browser > configuration > files option is does not appear to be available on my screen. How do I turn it on?

I also need to see how many PC's in my organisation are running this file - is that functionality available.
