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Engaged Sweeper
I do not know when this started occuring, but it seems really weird. The dashboard shows 98% of the machines in my domain with WMI Access Denied.

Now I am running active scanning I have checked random machines and I can read the WMI information via computer management from the LANSweeper server remotely to the PCs. I have tested the connection via Lansweeper connection test and get OKs on both tests and I can ping the PCs both with FQDM and netbios name.

When I run LSTrigger on these PC's it appears to connect but then the WMI Access denied returns.

I am stuck and do not know where to go from here. Any Advise?

Engaged Sweeper
This is the error that show on the workstation:

Wmierror Access is denied 0x80070005 (mo81540161n1, MO81540161N1, 12/1/2009 10:16:02 AM

Engaged Sweeper
I think I found the problem. I had added the user account used by the service to the GUI Domain Credentials tab, after removing this it appears that this worked.

Why would this not work?
Lansweeper Alumni
pdumbleton wrote:
I think I found the problem. I had added the user account used by the service to the GUI Domain Credentials tab, after removing this it appears that this worked.

Why would this not work?

This should work if you provide the correct details (domain/password,...)
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you post the full errors from a workstation. (also any rpc errors found)
Engaged Sweeper
Yes the same account is used by the LANSweeper Server Service and Test Connector is the same.
Lansweeper Alumni
Did you ran the connectiontester with the same account as the one used for the scanning?