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Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

TL;DR-Sweepy-Icon (1).png
This page explains how each user in the web console can choose their own date format, which will be used throughout the console. 

Each user who logs into the Lansweeper Classic web console can choose their own date format, which will be used throughout the console.

We automatically try to determine your preferred date format based on your web browser language settings, but you can manually select one as well. This article explains how to manually change the date format.

Set the web console's date format

  1. Select your profile picture in the top right corner of the web console.
    Set the date format.png
  2. Select your preferred date format and first day of the week from the available dropdowns.
    Set the date format 1.png
    dd/MM/yyyy example: 13/07/2023
    MM/dd/yyyy example: 07/13/2023
    yyyy-MM-dd example: 2023-07-13
  3. The specified date format will now be used throughout the web console. Your first day of the week setting will be taken into account within the helpdesk calendar.Set the date format 2.png

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Version history
Last update:
‎11-23-2023 02:41 PM
Updated by: