Deployment Packages

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Deployment of Meltdown and Spectre patches

My updates were not getting done according to WSUS they were approved for install and installed, LS did not see them as patched, so, I created a deployment (My first one ever so be gentile)It looks for OS' that I cared about only you may need to modi...

AZHockeyNut by Champion Sweeper III
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Intel discovery tool deployment SA-00086

-Update 2017/12/07 16:25 CET: the package was updated to allow the script to run successfully in more environments and prevent package timeout issues. Click the Download Package button to download the latest version.-Update 2018/04/25: Updated the ac...

Bruce_B by Lansweeper Alumni
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BadRabbit Ransomware Patch

What is BadRabbit?BadRabbit is ransomware based on Petya/NotPetya, typically spread through fake Adobe Flash updates. Once the fake installer is executed with UAC permissions, it encrypts data on the PC, demands payment of 0.5 Bitcoin and then attemp...

mgiljum by Engaged Sweeper III
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Filezilla 3.27.1

Install last version of Filezilla (3.27.1) to x86/x64 Windows 7 client on my network.The installer can be download on the Official homepage of FileZilla®: default, the installer's should be plac...

Uninstall CCleaner silently

I was recently tasked with removing all versions of CCleaner, not just the malware infected version.This package checks to see if the CCleaner uninstaller is present, and if it is, runs the uninstall silently.

CCleaner Uninstaller

Assumes 32 bit install on 32 bit OS or 64 bit install on 64 bit OS.Uses the silent uninstall command.Also removes any CCleaner installers.

Script - Create Admin User

Creates a new local user and adds it to the local admin groupRem: You need to add the user and password as a parameters.Rem: If you do not add a username parameter, the username is default set to: LansweeperadmRem: If you do not add a password parame...

Bert_D by Lansweeper Employee
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