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Engaged Sweeper

Hi everyone !

When I have a package with multiple cmd command steps does each step happen in its own cmd window or does the second step keep going where the first step stopped ?

Is it possible to write multiple commands in one cmd command step ?

Champion Sweeper III

I was actually testing multiple commands in a single step yesterday and got it working. If you put an ampersand (&) between the commands, that will run each command in sequence. 

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Champion Sweeper III

As far as I know, it should use the same command window. 

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Engaged Sweeper

Also keep in mind that using a single (&) will execute the second statement even if the first fails. If you use a double (&&) then the second statement will only execute if the first succeeds.

Champion Sweeper III

I was actually testing multiple commands in a single step yesterday and got it working. If you put an ampersand (&) between the commands, that will run each command in sequence. 

Thanks for the tip do you also know whether each command is executed in a separate window

Champion Sweeper III

As far as I know, it should use the same command window. 

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