In Lansweeper versions 4.2 and up, you may encounter errors in your System Scanning Log indicating that a computer is "incorrectly configured to allow autorun scanning". This error points to a problem with the following WMI class on the client machine: Win32_StartupCommand.
Prior to Lansweeper scanning Win32_StartupCommand, it verifies whether the class is configured correctly. An incorrect configuration can result in the return of thousands of files. Lansweeper therefore does not scan computers where this WMI class is set up incorrectly and returns an error message instead.
The "Startup" string value located in "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" has no value or points to a non-existent folder.
Points the "Startup" string value to an empty dummy folder.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Jeffrey Smith
Enterprise Applications Security
(319) 499-6310