Deployment Packages

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Forum Posts

INSTALL exe or MSI without admin password

Hello Dear I have 2 applications, the first one format EXE the second one MSI, so how can I install it with out admin password for example we have 2 asstes "computers" and we need to install applications via Lansweeper how can I do it from zero   Not...

muhannad by Engaged Sweeper
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Deploying an uninstall script

Result: Deployment ended: Incorrect function. Stop(Failure). Credential: (internal\svc_mailer). ShareCredential: (LansweeperUser).Command: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\USWASPUTIL03\Lansweeper\PackShare\Scripts\Uninstall_Cleanup_EPP...

Dmyers by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Remote Deployment Window

Hi there When I run a deploy, the Lansweeper executable window is showing to the user. Im trying to run a notification deploy on "Currently Logged On" run mode.

gcrucitti by Engaged Sweeper II
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Deployment Package - Alienvault Script

Need some help in creating a deployment package for this script below:  [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("

carvellw by Engaged Sweeper
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Toast Message - Reboot Computer When Patched

Its always handy to ask the User to reboot once the install has finished, here is a simple TOAST message with Image (445 x 266) to add to the end of the deployment...Edit the following Powershell with the message, image location etc copy-Item "***Pat...

Andy_Sismey by Champion Sweeper III
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Lansweeper - Trent Micro AV deployment issue

Spoiler We tried to push the Trent Micro AV package to the Windows10 and Windows 7 workstations from the Lansweeper, but failed and append the AV deployment error snaps. We tried to push the Trent Micro AV package to the Windows10 and Windows 7 work...

Senthil by Engaged Sweeper
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