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‎03-07-2019 02:20 PM - last edited on ‎07-04-2023 04:52 PM by ErikT
You can find a deployment package for Google Chrome below to update your Windows assets.
If you would like to deploy this package on all assets which do not have the latest Google Chrome version, you can use the report below. Please note that this report will list all Chrome installations which do not have Chrome version 72.0.3626.121, which is the latest Chrome release at the moment.
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypename As AssetType,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
tsysOS.OSname As OS,
tblSoftwareUni.softwareName As Software,
tblSoftware.softwareVersion As Version,
tblSoftwareUni.SoftwarePublisher As Publisher,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Inner Join tsysIPLocations On tsysIPLocations.LocationID =
Inner Join tblState On tblState.State = tblAssetCustom.State
Inner Join tblSoftware On tblAssets.AssetID = tblSoftware.AssetID
Inner Join tblSoftwareUni On tblSoftwareUni.SoftID = tblSoftware.softID
Left Join tsysOS On tsysOS.OScode = tblAssets.OScode
Where tblSoftwareUni.softwareName Like '%Google Chrome%' And
tblSoftware.softwareVersion <> '72.0.3626.121' And tblState.Statename =
‎03-15-2019 08:09 AM
‎03-14-2019 12:08 PM
‎03-14-2019 04:50 PM
Alexandru wrote:
Hello. Same problem here, both installers are in PackageShare/Installers folder, same name as mentioned in packages. Works well in around 90-95% of online computers, the rest gives the same error. Result: Deployment ended: The system cannot find the file specified. Stop(Failure). Last step 4 and return 2.
‎03-12-2019 12:38 PM
‎03-14-2019 09:20 AM
taha wrote:
i have trying to deploy above package works well on many machines, but few machines are giving below error, any idea what went wrong.
Result: Deployment ended: The system cannot find the file specified. Stop(Failure)
‎03-08-2019 12:24 AM
‎03-08-2019 09:27 AM
CyberCitizen wrote:
Google Chrome installs both 32 & 64 bit into the same path under program files (x86) so that check for which version to install wont work.
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