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Engaged Sweeper

I found a way to install the latest Windows 10 version. 

First of all you need to download the msu package. It's a bit hard to find but you can find it here for instance

Install Windows 10 version 21H2 offline - Your Windows Guide

Save it in your installers folder. Next create a powershell-script with these lines:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force -Scope CurrentUser

$src="UNC to your DefaultPackageShare$\Installers"

This is the 64 bits version:

$cmdlin = "$src\windows10.0-kb5003791-x64_14e7547b08f1b29cae6e41c9f7da5f1347d9955c.msu"
wusa $cmdlin /quiet /forcerestart


Finally you should create a Deployment that points to the powershell script. After a restart your system is running the 21H2 version. What I found amazing that it hardly takes anything to download. The msu package is only 160 kb.