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Engaged Sweeper II


is it possibile to use data from reports in a deployment?


I want to lunch a command like:

command $username

For every username in the column user of the report "Active Directory Disabled Users"

How can I achieve this?

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Hello @SIA_URM 

The deployment feature doesn't have much logic built into it to be able to reference a report. 

But a work around for this is to create a report for the usernames you are looking to run the deployment against and then manually trigger a deployment against the results. It's not automated, but it's the same concept. 

I hope this helps. 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Sorry I wasn't clear @SIA_URM 

First, create a report that has all of the user information you'd like in it. In that report you can filter out the users you are trying to run your command against. 

Once that report is created, run it, and then you can run a deployment against all of the results. 

I'm not sure if that helps. Or maybe I'm not understanding the exact need you are trying to achieve. 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Engaged Sweeper II

Sorry but I can't understand if this workaround can work.

In this way I can deploy the command to the computers where those users have logged in but I can't use a command like:  command $username right?

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