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Engaged Sweeper

New to Lansweeper and on a trial. 

I don't see any a deploy option. I suppose I'm on the Cloud version of Lansweeper and not the classic. The KBs on the subject all reference a Classic version of Lansweeper. I suppose I could reinstall my instance of LS but I'm hoping I'm just missing something. 

Appreciate any help! 

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Hello @Alez_G . 

The cloud-hosted version of Lansweeper does not have a deploy feature at this time. If this is a feature you are needing, as you posted already, you may want to follow the KB on enabling the classic web interface as the on-prem Classic version has the deployment feature. 

Does this help answer your question? If not and I missed the topic, please reply and I'll do my best to help out. 

Happy "sweeping". 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Engaged Sweeper

Just to continue to have a conversation with myself. 

I got the instruction on how to enable classic.

Also, this limitation is defined in the extended comparison. which is pretty sus IMHO. 

Engaged Sweeper

I did get a response back from support. I didn't see any mention of this but the cloud version of LS does not support deploy. 

Now to look into moving from Cloud to Classic. 

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