I had to upgrade to a while ago due to the SQL connection pool issues. I have increased the pool size to 200, but was still getting a lot of complaints...
Unfortunately I did not notice that this is a beta version and are now faced with a lot of issues. BETA versions should be marked as such. Especially nowadays where the quality of the product has changed so much.
The most pressing and most annoying issue is that assets don't refresh daily anymore. I have IP range scanning set up to scan my servers daily, but I frequently find that something around 500 servers vanished from my reports because they weren't scanned for the last 5 days. I haven't changed anything in the scanning configuration and have Lansweeper running for at least 5-10 years now. I never had these issues... they started with version 7.0
(I always add "where tblassets.lastseen > dateadd(dd, -3, getdate())" to my server reports)
Another issue is that for some reason, Lansweeper pulled the OU information of my servers. Having both, AD computer scanning and IP range scanning enabled, resulted in a lot of issues. I had to disable AD computer scanning. I think this is connected to the IP range scanning in a way.