zztemp wrote:
I have tested lansweeper before i bought it during 30 days. I know that its possible to do the following but i can't remember how:
I want that if someone logs on to a computer, that computer automatically gets scanned. Now i now this has something to do with the active scanning but if i log on a computer, it doesn't get scannend unless i rescan it myself (and than the user is correct).
I know this is possible cause i did it in the trial. I can't look up my settings in the trial version however, because the trial is expired and we installed the "bought" version on one of our servers in stead of the desktop on wich the trial was installed on.
So how do i achieve the above question?
Kind regards!
Active Scanning will scan computers at most once every 20 hours. So scanning does not happen every single time the computer is turned on or the user logs in. To scan computers when users log on you must use LsPush, which was introduced in Lansweeper version 4.2. More info on LsPush can be found on page 32 of
our online documentation.
If your computers are not getting scanned at all, please contact us at support@lansweeper.com and provide us with screenshots of the following:
- Your web console landing page.
- Lansweeper webpage of one affected computer. Show us the "Actions" as well as the "Errors" section of the page.
- Your Scanning Credentials, found in the configuration console under Scanning Options\Scanning Credentials.
- Any scanning methods you have enabled in the configuration console under Scanning Servers\Your Server: Active Scanning, IP Range Scanning and/or Scheduled Scanning.