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Engaged Sweeper
I like using TeraTerm and am trying to create a custom action to login to an asset. I am a new user and obviously doing something wrong or misunderstanding the actions capabilities. I tried to replicate the Putty action but it does not work. Any ideas?

Honored Sweeper
I would suggest looking here first off to make sure you are using the correct command lines. First thing I can see is there is no space between the file name and the ip address.

I would try this.

{actionpath}ttermpro.exe {ipaddress}
CyberCitizen wrote:
I would suggest looking here first off to make sure you are using the correct command lines. First thing I can see is there is no space between the file name and the ip address.

I would try this.

{actionpath}ttermpro.exe {ipaddress}

That's it ! Thanks.

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