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Engaged Sweeper
Good afternoon! I have two Surface X Pro laptops that have the lansweeper client but when sending deploys from the console, they are not installed. Tells me that:

Result: Package timeout reached. Unknown last result. Timeout: (300Sec). Credential: (tuiad\lansweeper_acc). ShareCredential: (tuiad\lansweepershare).

Error. RPC Unavailable: Asset is offline or firewalled. Pinging asset failed. TUIDS4998795253.tuiad.net

Firewall is down. I tried with an earlier model surface and the deploys arrive perfectly. Any ideas?
Engaged Sweeper
I saw a similar problem. What I found was that the Surface Pro X is ARM based with a special version of Windows 10. It has an emulation layer to allow normal 32 bit apps to be installed but NOT 64 bit even though the hardware and OS are 64 bit.
Honored Sweeper
What DontByteMe has linked is what you need.

I have a script as part of our new PC setup that runs the Lansweeper vbs script that's on that post as well as a lspush so we can instantly get them in Lansweeper so we can deploy our SOE apps.

We then still get that odd issue, when we get those I normally push that vbs script via PSEXEC and then re-scan it tend to have a 80% success rate with those, the rest seem to be either a 3rd part app blocking it (trend used to do this for us) or dns issues and was connecting to the wrong machine or the machine was actually offline.
Engaged Sweeper III
lumartinez wrote:
Good afternoon! I have two Surface X Pro laptops that have the lansweeper client but when sending deploys from the console, they are not installed. Tells me that:

Result: Package timeout reached. Unknown last result. Timeout: (300Sec). Credential: (tuiad\lansweeper_acc). ShareCredential: (tuiad\lansweepershare).

Error. RPC Unavailable: Asset is offline or firewalled. Pinging asset failed. TUIDS4998795253.tuiad.net

Firewall is down. I tried with an earlier model surface and the deploys arrive perfectly. Any ideas?

Here is a link that might be useful to you.


I use to have this issue but I ended up working around by going into advance firewall and enabling File and Printer sharing(Echo request) This allows the pings and search. Beyond that i placed a GPO also to allow these traffics to lansweeper. Hope this helps you.

For remote machines that are far from my network I run lspush.exe which gives me a text file of all the information i normally scan for and then i import that into my scans list and it works. I only run this for custom installs and making sure my users have the latest version of a software push the IT team is sending out.