I am currently on v5.3.0.24 and WAS getting the same results. Until I noticed something!
If you look closely at my first screenshot of the Add/Remove Programs on the client, you will notice that the "MUI" in the Adobe name is a little spaced out. I've included it here for reference. The green arrow below shows a regular single space, but the red arrow indicates that there is a double space in the name.
The dynamic group worked after I added the extra space in the filter for the software name.
The bigger problem is that Lansweeper AND the filter, does NOT observe and display the extra space! Even AFTER I modified it. Refer to my earlier screenshots and you will observe this. Even though lansweeper mimics the add/remove programs from the client, it fails to accurately display the software name verbatim. I had copied the display name from lansweeper when I originally created my filter (just to be precise), but because lansweeper was not accurately displaying the software name with the extra space, the filter was not working. After adding the extra space, lansweeper accepts the changes but still does not display the extra space.
So although Adobe screwed up with an extra space in their software name, lansweeper failed to accurately display it. I should be able to view accurate software names in lansweeper instead of having to login to clients to achieve the same. So this issue needs to be corrected urgently.