Limiting the scan of event log entries to specific IDs or specific machines is not currently supported unfortunately. You can enable or disable scanning of Warning, Information, Success Audit and Failure Audit events from all machines. All further processing needs to happen on your database through custom reports, Dashboard widgets or
email alerts which filter on specific IDs. To increase the scanning interval of eventlog scanning on specific computers you can use
Scheduled eventlog scanning.
Not sure if filtering during scanning is feasible in regards to performance, but we have this on our customer wish-list.
A good way of getting an overview on specific event IDs is the event filter widget. You can add it to your Dashboard by hitting
Add widgets and dragging it to the Dashboard. hit the edit icon at the top right to set it up. You can filter on multiple criteria: computer name, event ID, event type, log file, source name, user, domain, message text, domain role of the computer