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Engaged Sweeper II
So we have a "smart TV" in a meeting room, which is also used as a monitor for a computer in that room.

Lansweeper has picked up the TV via it's network address with a normal scan, but it's also created a different Monitor asset which it's got, presumably via WMI, from scanning the computer in that room.

How can I remove this duplication so that the TV asset is the one linked to that computer as it's monitor?

I know Lansweeper uses MAC address (amongst other things) as a de-dupe, but when I tried to put the MAC of the TV into the monitor asset, it said that MAC was already used (which it is of course). Is there another way I can force Lansweeper to know these are the same device?
Engaged Sweeper II
Hi Charles,

Yep, I think you're right. In that case, I'll just go for the relationship to indicate they are the same, as you said before. I can't even see this being possible for you to implement in future as you just don't get the data you need from the scans.

Thanks for your help
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
I don't think there is another option. Lansweeper does not scan for MAC addresses on monitors retrieves from the WMI class (not even sure if that info would be there if a display has a MAC address). Monitors are a special case since their unique key is based on their serial number. This results in them only being merged with other monitors with the same serial.

Unfortunately because of this, there is no way for Lansweeper to link the monitor to TV automatically.
Engaged Sweeper II
Hi Charles,

Thanks for the reply.

The MAC is fetched out of the TV (by IP/network scan) - the issue is that the "monitor" as it is seen from the computer record (as pulled out by WMI I guess?) does NOT have a MAC.

I actually want the TV in Lansweeper since it is a fixed asset with purchase price/date/serial etc, I'd just rather the computer filled it's monitor association with the existing TV record, rather than saying there is another screen (if that makes sense?).

If that isn't possible, then I think your suggestion of a relation between to 2 to say they are the same thing might be the way to go. But if you know of something else I can try, please let me know.

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
I presume that the MAC address is not scanned then when the TV is scanned separately?

Not sure there is much to do in that case aside from excluding the IP from being scanned and deleting the asset.

If you're not worried about the TV being in Lansweeper, you can simply create a relation between the monitor asset and the TV asset so people can see its the same device.

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