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‎02-21-2020 04:39 AM
‎02-28-2020 11:43 PM
‎03-02-2020 05:12 PM
Shawn Lyman wrote:
Are you talking about this section at the bottom of the config page? And if so, does removing monitors from here affect anywhere else in LAN Sweeper? I want to still track and manage monitors.
‎02-28-2020 03:11 PM
‎02-28-2020 11:30 PM
Shawn Lyman wrote:
On the default dashboard there is a section called IP Locations Overview and the top of the list is the Undefined count. If I click on Undefined it takes me to the list of everything with out a defined IP Location. Not "Location". For devices with an IP, I then map a new IP range to define a new IP Location and then they are no longer defined. But for monitors, there is no IP so the IP Mapping of course has no affect on those assets.
1. I don't understand the point of monitor assets being included in IP Locations.
2. If they are going to be included, they should follow the IP Location of the device they are attached to if that device has an IP address that would be mapped to an IP Location.
I have well over 600 monitors and don't want to do something manual for each one. For now it just sits in this undefined list but would really like to clean it up.
‎04-25-2022 08:59 PM
Shawn Lyman wrote:
2. If they are going to be included, they should follow the IP Location of the device they are attached to if that device has an IP address that would be mapped to an IP Location.
I have well over 600 monitors and don't want to do something manual for each one. For now it just sits in this undefined list but would really like to clean it up.
‎02-28-2020 11:41 PM
DontByteMe wrote:
So on my page I do not have undefined for the monitors because I removed that from the config setup. However I do still have them located under that list in the Dynamic Asset Group under Non-Active. The only thing I left are actual servers and computer stations with an IP address. The images are to help see what can be done. Hope this helps you.
‎02-27-2020 11:10 PM
Shawn Lyman wrote:
I am trying to make sure all my IP Locations get mappings so that I don't have any items listed under Undefined for IP Location Overview.
When I click on "undefined" for IP Locations, most of the assets are monitors. I have some computers but I know how to map and clean those up. But how do I get LAN sweeper to map and auto populate the monitor asset IPlocation field so I can clean this up?
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