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Honored Sweeper II

We need to track change Windows 10 builds. So I check OS history and write query:

Select Top 1000000 *
From tblOperatingsystemHist

 Then update some Windows 10 but query result is empty.

Please fix tracker to support Win 10 Builds.

Champion Sweeper III

Absolutely right,  but difficult to report on though.  Maybe someone with supersqlpowers can right us a query that lines up all past OS upgrades from the last 30 days? Preferably showing old build vs new build.

Champion Sweeper III

We've been looking too for some kind of report that shows 'real' OS upgrades. This might show what you're looking for (though I'm not 100% convinced 😅 😞

Select Top 1000 tblAssets.AssetName,
From tblOperatingsystemHist As a
Inner Join tblAssets On tblAssets.AssetID = a.AssetID
Where a.Caption <> (Select Top 1 b.Caption From tblOperatingsystemHist As b
Where a.AssetID = b.AssetID And a.Trackercode > b.Trackercode Order By
b.Trackercode Desc) And a.Lastchanged > GetDate() - 30
Order By tblAssets.AssetName

If tblOperatingsystemHist is empty then you query is useless

Champion Sweeper III

Don't laugh, but usually OS in-place upgrades can be caught by the sheer number of KB removals at a single time in the change history.