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Engaged Sweeper III
As the Title explains, the cmd window from RemoteDeployment_x64.exe is showing on the Windows Asset when I use the current logged on user credentials. The installation is silent otherwise and successful.

This is very bad UX and some user panic and close the cmd or open an issue.
When the user closes the cmd the installation still finishes succesfully but the deployment in LS reports a timeout, as the agent cannot report back. this seems like a bug
Engaged Sweeper II
I think I may have a workaround for this. I recently discovered the runasUser powershell package which will allow you run commands as the SYSTEM account. This may help.
Honored Sweeper
Yes even calling that script you would still get the remote deployment dos window pop open.

We rarely use the logged on user, however there are some times where it is required.

What we do is call a message beforehand advising the user that we are installing software etc and a follow message to let them know when its done.

It's not ideal, I have requested that Lansweeper implement something a little better with the software deployment, eg a little notification installation window that could be toggled.

Engaged Sweeper III
Thanks, but wouldn’t the invisible.vbs from the answer have to call the RemoteDeployment_x64.exe in this case? I don’t have influence on that.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Truly silent deployments cannot be done while deploying it with the Logged-in user context. If you do need the logged-in user and you want a silent deployment, you're better off creating a script to deploy and make the script silent as in this example:

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