Charles.X wrote:
With an IP Range scan they should be scanned. However, do note that information can be limited on these. If only HTTP/HTTPS information is available, Lansweeper will also not be able to instantly recognize it as a media player.
Best thing you can do is search for it in Lansweeper based on IP. You can change the asset type in bulk if needed.
You can also check the connection with Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions\testconnection.exe
This will also give some indication whether information can be retrieved.
They are definitely in the IP range that we scan everything else. I tried the testconnection.exe tool, but it's telling me I need to enter credentials. Querying a roku doesn't require credentials, but does require using port 8060.
You can get all of the information about a device by querying http://{ipaddress}:8060/query/device-info
Below is the XML result I get from querying one of our Rokus in the browser, as you can see you can get a lot of information about the Roku. Vendor, Model, Serial, friendly device name, which is similar to a hostname. this is the name you assign the Roku device when you add it to your account at when first setting it up. The info below is for one of our RokuTV's, it's identical to the results of our normal Roku player with the addition to a few TV specific items such as screen size and tuner type.
<friendly-device-name>Northwest North End RokuTV</friendly-device-name>
<friendly-model-name>TCL•Roku TV</friendly-model-name>
<default-device-name>TCL•Roku TV - YN00LJ368178</default-device-name>
<user-device-name>Northwest North End RokuTV</user-device-name>
<time-zone-name>United States/Central</time-zone-name>
Also, with one additional query, you can find out what all "channels" or "apps" are installed:
<app id="37835" subtype="sdka" type="appl" version="2.6.21">QuickESign</app>
<app id="837" subtype="ndka" type="appl" version="1.0.70500264">YouTube</app>
I do have my own MySQL database and a PHP app I wrote to query these things to make sure they are online and to perform a few basic commands such as launching our signage apps using the API. The problem is none of my Help Desk staff are able to do some of the manual MySQL manipulation if things need to be udpated, but they all use Lansweeper all day long, so using the scanner to be able to keep things current and to find out if these devices get turned off or unplugged when they shouldn't be would be beneficial.