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Engaged Sweeper

I'm currently writing a report to list the version of .net framework our computers have installed. I am in an environment which runs a mixture of W7 and W10 machines.

To find which version of .net is installed, I have configured LanSweeper to collect the regkey value for:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Release

The problem is, if I do an AD scan via Scanning Targets, the PCs with this key do not appear.

If I do a scanned based on a report by clicking "Rescan Assets" from the left hand side, LS pulls the regkey values through which I entered in "File & Registry Scanning"

Is this a known issue? Is there an easier way to determine which PCs do not have net framework 4.6.1 installed?

Lansweeper Alumni
Scanning through any scanning target will respect the Item Intervals set up under Scanning\Scanned Item Interval. By default, the registry item will not be scanned during every scheduled scan. Rescan assets overrides all item intervals and rescans everything. Registry entries have a default scanned item interval of 1, meaning 24 hours need to have passed between scanning of this computer for this particular item to be refreshed. If you wish for this item to be scanned every time you could set the interval to 0. If it's just a one-time thing you could cover it by using one of the Rescan buttons.

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