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Engaged Sweeper III
Hello community,

I ask around

Did someone already have a deployment script to remove the Windows apps, like skype?

I have already tried the Powershell but I always get the error "-196608"

Would be great if someone could export the script and put it under the installer forum.

Many many thanks 🙂


I tried the following script:

About Deploy Command:

% windir% \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \ powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File "\\ Server \ PackageShare $ \ Scripts \ File.ps1"

and the following is in File.ps1:

Get-AppxPackage * skypeapp * | Remove-AppxPackage
Honored Sweeper
I use Decrapifier which I run through Powershell which works well.

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "{PackageShare}\DeCrapifier\Decrapifier Win10.v1803.1809.ps1" -AppsOnly

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