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Engaged Sweeper II


I'm making custom reports to filter the exact assets I need to query frequently. These are usually assets belonging to different departments.

I want to be able to select individual assets in this custom report, so I can deploy software to specific assets, run reboot, shutdown, ping commands etc.

However, I cannot make the select in a report. I have tried Static groups, dynamic groups as well. None meets our needs. The only view with Assets selection is the Assets view, which in turn is a big pain to filter down to the correct assets. (as mentioned in my post here)

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support


That option is indeed only available on the "All Assets" page. 

If you mainly want to use this for deployments, you can also run a deployment on a group or on a report. 

I assume this will be the same thing, but starting from the deployment itself rather than selecting the assets.

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